COVID-19 RESOURCES FOR Beaumont Commons, Farmington Hills

Happily, our campus is open to visits and activities with some restrictions depending on the level of care.  Please see information on each level below.  If you have questions or would like to reach any area of the campus, please call us at 248-477-7400.  

 *Independent Living-There are no restrictions.

*Independent Living Plus– A mask must be worn upon entry and in the common areas.  They may be removed during activities if all participants are vaccinated or in the Bistro.  In addition, our families can now eat with residents in the Bistro if they contact dining first.

*Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation– ¨All who enter must participate in COVID-19 Screening. ¨ Those who do not pass COVID-19 Screening will be offered a Point of Care test. While waiting for test results, wait in the COVID-19 Test Holding Area. If you wish to be tested off site, you should leave the building to do so. ¨ Wear a surgical mask. Because of the high level of community transmission, the Infection Preventionist is advising all who enter to wear a surgical, non-cloth mask. ¨ Hand sanitize frequently. When you enter, after you touch surfaces (door handles, light switches, etc.), etc. ¨ Keep your distance. 6 feet of distance is recommended for your safety and ours¨ Be direct.  Go directly to the residents room or designated visit area.

We encourage family and friends to stay in touch with their loved one through the follow simple ideas to keep their spirits lifted:

– Regular phone calls

– Email, video messaging or tablet communication

– Good old fashioned snail mail

– Care packages with favorite snacks, magazines or games

– Send artwork, photos and notes from kids and grandkids

– When making contact, stay cheerful and positive; respond kindly to needs or concerns

Signs are posted in the entryway to notify visitors of the current policy, which can change daily.   As this virus is always changing, we reserve the right to modify any restrictions for the safety of our campus.

In addition to staff training and safeguards, residents are being advised to take all steps possible to reduce the spread of the virus, including regular hand washing and mask wearing.

Our biggest priority is keeping our residents safe and healthy. If you have any questions, please contact us at 248-477-7400.